TV Advertising For Personal Injury Lawyers

We Have Over 25 Years Of Experience Dedicated To Personal Injury Lawyer Advertising.

Legal Pro Media is a full-service advertising agency that only works with Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, and Bankruptcy Lawyers. We specialize in TV advertising for personal injury lawyers and Legal Advertising and Marketing is all we do. Our range of capabilities includes Electronic Media such as Television, Radio, and the Internet.  We also can assist with various web services such as Pay Per Click advertising and Web Design. To see a full list of our services click this link.


We Have Over 25 Years Of Experience Dedicated To Personal Injury Lawyer Advertising.

Legal Pro Media is a full-service advertising agency that only works with Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, and Bankruptcy Lawyers. We specialize in TV advertising for personal injury lawyers and Legal Advertising and Marketing is all we do. Our range of capabilities includes Electronic Media such as Television, Radio, and the Internet.  We also can assist with various web services such as Pay Per Click advertising and Web Design. To see a full list of our services click this link.

Market Exclusivity

Legal Pro Media only works with one personal injury law firm per Designated Market Area, (DMA).  Personal Injury Lawyer advertising is very competitive and it would not be ethical for an agency to work for two competing lawyers.

 Services We Provide

 Market Research

Legal Pro Media does a complete market analysis.  including a competitive spending reports on your [small_button text=”Read More…” title=”Read More” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”dark”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text][custom_button text=”TV Commercials” title=”TV Commercials” url=”” size=”large” bg_color=”#001AFF” text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”left” target=”_self”][clear]

We produce the most powerful custom TV Commercials in the industry [small_button text=”Read More…” title=”Read More” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”dark”]

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text][custom_button text=”Media Buying” title=”Media Buying” url=”” size=”large” bg_color=”#001AFF” text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”left” target=”_self”][clear]

Our media buyers relentlessly negotiate for the lowest possible rates in the most efficient programming [small_button text=”Read More…” title=”Read More” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”dark”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text][custom_button text=”Pay Per Click” title=”Pay Per Click” url=”” size=”large” bg_color=”#001AFF” text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”left” target=”_self”][clear]

 Your media campaign is supervised and managed from start to finish. All invoices are audited for accuracy and we [small_button text=”Read More…” title=”Read More” url=”” align=”left” target=”_self” style=”dark”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_separator color=”grey” align=”align_center” style=”” border_width=”” el_width=””][vc_column_text][clear]

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Legal Pro Media – We Help You Get Quality Cases

If your Personal Injury firm isn’t getting the best quality cases in your market we can help you change that. Legal Pro Media specializes in TV advertising for personal injury lawyers and we will produce custom TV commercials that are proven to generate results. Combine that with our media buyers negotiating TV schedules at the lowest possible rates in the best TV shows, helps guarantee your TV advertising campaign makes your phone ring with quality cases. When we create TV commercials for your firm, we study and follow all the rules and guidelines of your state bar.

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